In these hectic times, being a mom can be both rewarding and completely exhausting. Modern times impose a fast way of living, with infinite obligations. Moms are especially hit by this new reality, as they have little or no time to unwind and relax. This is a common worldwide issue. However, it doesn’t have to be this way, and in this post, we’re going to list some tips to help overwhelmed moms, overwhelmed single moms, and overwhelmed working moms feel better.
Common problems that overwhelmed moms face
With numerous issues moms can face, everyday life can become very challenging. If those challenges are not being addressed properly, mom burnout can occur easily, which can only make it worse. However, with the right tips, time management skills, and a genuine desire, overwhelmed moms can learn and grow from this experience.
Here are some common problems that moms face that we have identified:
Overwhelmed moms’ exhaustion is related to the physical and psychological overwhelm imposed by parenting. In addition to insufficient sleep or irregular sleep patterns, the issue can become serious and can lead to severe parenting and mom burnout. The symptoms of exhaustion can also be worsened by the subjective feeling of not being a good parent, and a desire to be a perfect parent. Exhaustion intensifies when moms overinvest in their parenting role for too long, due to society’s pressure and perfectionism tendencies. At that time, it might seem like there is no way out that will not compromise a relationship with the child.
Doubt/feeling you’re not a good mother
Moms’ life is intricated with different concerns and doubts from the very start. Questions like these often occupy moms’ minds: “Do I know what my baby needs? Or, do I know how to recognize when my kid’s needs are not satisfied? How to find time for myself without compromising my child’s needs? Am I doing all this mommy stuff properly?”
Questions like this can be a burden. Plus the mom’s guilt can feel impossible to overcome. However, they may be a good indicator that you’re really conscientious and dedicated. What you need to know is there’s no need to burden yourself with doubts and questions like this, because everyone really does their best, especially when it comes to such delicate things as parenting. Give yourself a little more freedom to be you, to find your “me” time, and embrace the fact that although you might not be a perfect parent, you’re good enough and don’t need to punish yourself with mom guilt or working mom guilt.
Marriage issues
Disconnection from a spouse can be a common issue in parents with newborns. In some situations, you may feel so alienated from your partner that you no longer spend quality time with him. No matter how stressful life with a newborn can be, disconnection from your partner will make it worse. You’ll feel like there’s no one who could help you with everyday chores and that you have no one to talk to.
Here are some tips on how to reconnect with your partner:
- Allocate some time slots during the day for your quality time together
- Share emotions and reveal your inner thoughts and fears
- Make mutual future plans and tackle everyday issues together
- Try relationship therapy in Oak Brook, IL if you need an additional set of eyes to help you work through issues.
Sleep deprivation
If you’re constantly unable to get decent rest during the night, it can push you over the edge. If it’s extended for too long, it can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Here are some of the consequences sleep deprivation can cause: sudden mood swings, irritability, issues with your immune system, brain fog during the day, and inability to effectively perform your tasks.
It’s vital for you to end this vicious cycle and get some decent sleep when possible. For example, you can seek help from your friends, parents, or a neighbor.
Lack of “ME” time
The lack of “Me” time is a reality for many parents with newborns. Sometimes it can lead you to feel like an overwhelmed mom, and to the lack of activities in your life, you used to enjoy. If you plan to catch up with your friends, you can try to include your baby as well! Focus on your friends who already have kids and organize some fun events with them. Also, you can try babysitting on some occasions when you feel you need a romantic evening with your partner.
Dissatisfaction with how you look
Giving birth is one of the most wonderful things you can experience. However, it takes a great toll on your body, leaving you with stubborn fat, and stretch marks. Moreover, you feel kind of bloated and out of shape. You may even feel strange in your own body. What you can make in this situation is to bear in mind that it takes a while to return to the previous shape you had and that it’s ok. There is no overnight success in regaining your shape. Try to embrace your body as it fulfills an important role for you and your baby.
Issues for stay-at-home moms
Some might think that stay-at-home moms have an idyllic lifestyle because they don’t have to work, and all that they need to do is take care of kids and a husband. However, is it indeed just like that? Stay-at-home mums can experience insecurity, feeling worthless about not bringing home a monthly paycheck, loneliness, a lack of accomplishment, and alienation from a partner.
What you can do is team up with other stay-at-home mums or your friends to complete daily chores. Also, if you feel you’re lacking your free time, you can get up earlier, and while everyone’s sleeping, you can get your daily dose of meditation, reading, exercise, or just contemplating. If you feel bored or lonely, you can find yourself some activities outside your home you can take part in if conditions allow it.
Issues for single moms
It’s especially hard for single mothers to get a work-life balance and avoid burnout. In addition to these issues, many single moms face financial insecurity, lack of support and leisure time, emotional emptiness, and more.
In case you’re a single mom, here are some tips that can help you feel relieved a bit: take care of your diet and water intake while on the go, add little breaks from work during the day, connect to other single moms for support and guidance, ask for help, try to work flexible hours and work from home if possible.
Issues for working moms
Working moms as well cannot keep a work-life balance, this may lead to a lot of working mom guilt and mom burnout. In addition to the commute time, they have limited time to spend with their kids and husband. Working moms often feel guilty for not being able to be there for their kids for more hours through the day. Also, it’s not uncommon for overwhelmed working moms to question their priorities and whether or not they want a career like that. Needless to say, it’s also hard for working moms to unwind and find time for relaxation.
What might help on such occasions is to seek a more flexible position, or work from home if possible if that suits you. Also, help your partner understand his importance and duties in the family so that you can tick some tasks off your list.
Burnout symptoms for overwhelmed moms
You feel extremely stressed out if your kid requires every single minute of your day, and you feel you’re running on empty, you might be at risk for mom burnout. Mom burnout as a parent happens when parents can’t cope with the intensity of the required daily parenting activities and feel depleted. Therefore, it’s important to act on time since burnout recovery takes much more time and energy if it’s not addressed promptly.
The common symptoms of mom burnout are:
- Perfectionism – when you feel like you have to do it the proper way, or not to do it at all
- Mom Guilt – you feel ashamed for feeling this way because you believe it’s not allowed for a good mother to have these kinds of thoughts and feelings
- Overwhelm – you’re just overwhelmed with tasks you should do, and you don’t allow yourself time to rest until everything is done
- Self-pressure – you force yourself to go above and beyond in parenting because you think your kid might suffer if you put it otherwise
- Loneliness and shame – it’s hard for you to open up and talk to others about your issues because you feel ashamed
- Not bonding with children – the lack of energy to show affection and love to your children
- Losing interest in things you love – you feel like you just can’t enjoy your favorite show, singer, or any other activity you used to enjoy
- Sleep issues – you frequently wake up during the night overthinking, or you can’t sleep at all
- Rising anxiety – you feel very anxious and stressed all the time, and you don’t know how to relax, because nothing seems to be working anymore
- Feeling resentful – you hate the situation you’re in and feel burdened with the daily tasks that you have no one to delegate to
- Short-tempered – you find it easy to lose your temper and you can’t help it
How to cure mom burnout
The best advice here is to act promptly when you experience the symptoms listed above because passivity will only make it worse. Mom burnout is a vicious cycle that will push you deeper into this unpleasant state. Here are some tips on what you can do to reduce burnout symptoms.
Ask for help
You don’t have to do it alone. It’s a plain truth that we sometimes refuse to believe. Have an inner talk with yourself and try to understand why it’s hard for you to give up control. Do you believe you have to do it all by yourself because you have no one to count on? Or maybe you think you can rely on yourself only? What is important here is to understand the limiting beliefs that originate from those statements. It’s ok to give up control in case we feel like overwhelmed moms and feel like we cannot take it anymore. Think of it this way: does your kid need a perfect mother or a mother that is happy and relaxed?
Reorganize your day
Think about how to make some additional time during the day that would be dedicated just for you. Think about this as a necessity, not an option. The only way to charge your batteries is to find some time throughout the day to relax and to be with your own thoughts. As humans, we all need breaks sometimes. Give yourself the chance to rest whenever you need to.
Talk it out
Find a friend you can trust and share how you feel – it’s vital to share your concerns and worries. Overthinking won’t help you feel better, it will just make you feel more desperate. However, if you speak your concerns loudly, you’ll feel a tremendous burden fall off your chest, which is an instant relief.
Seek professional help
In case unbearable symptoms are persistent, the best advice is to consult a specialist who will give you the best advice on your current situation and symptoms. Mom burnout is a severe state that sometimes can be successfully resolved with a specialist who will understand your point of view and who’ll be able to create a customized approach to your needs.
General tips for balance, reducing mom guilt, and avoiding mom burnout
Seemingly, mom burnout can happen anytime if you’re a parent. In addition, it’s especially difficult for parents who work from home to keep their sanity and decent energy levels. Here are some tips you can use to cut the mom burnout out from the start:
- Be protective and mindful about your time
- Learn to switch off after work
- Ask for help
- Practice self-awareness
- Apply mindfulness/meditation techniques
- Dedicate “Me” time to your daily routine
- Reconnect with your partner
- Reactivate your social life
- Find a fulfilling hobby
- Eat well and incorporate healthy routines
Sep 16, 2024, 7:19:17 PM
Dina Owen - Hi Heather,
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Sep 5, 2024, 2:31:52 PM
Heather Moderi - I am interested in more information about your services. Thank you.